Inaugura l Event s
The opening
1 s
partial- You feel like you're entering some
place important," says May Cutler, elated with
what sh e had started eight years before. Th evision
was built. "I wanted mymayoralty to count," she
Originally scheduled for mid-October, inaugura-
tion of the refurbished library was postponed until
immediately after th e municipal election November
5, 1995, to prevent conflict with the official election
period. While invitations were being prepared for
three days of festivities, members of council were
also gearing up for the political event: Peter Trent,
Herbert Bercovitz, John Bridgman, Gail Johnson,
David Laidley, John Lehnert, Karin Marks, Nicolas
Matossian an d James Wright.
More than 50 0 benefactors an d community
leaders were on the invitation list for the gala
opening Thursday evening, November 9. Mayor
Trent an d fundraising chairman David Culver were
preparing short addresses to keep the emphasis on
touring the complex. Also on the programme were
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the unveiling of the owl statue an d dedication ofthe
courtyard to Mr. Culver, unveiling of the portrait of
1899 mayor James Walker and the dedication of the
window to Raymond Ullyatt.
School tours were scheduled for Friday, Novem-
ber 10 ,with more tours for librarians that evening.
Saturday wa s reserved as Open House day for the
public to return to their library after an absenceof
18 months.
"It's dazzling, it' s like finding a treasure,"
Mrs. Cutler says. Then she adds: "I would hope
that in gratitude, users will remember the library
in their wills."
Invitation to opening gala