Page 52 - A_View_Of_Their_Own_the_Story_of_Westmount

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Return to the Park
and Victoria Hall. Across from the grove, on the
north side of the driveway, another small park has
been created fronting on Sherbrooke. Bounded by
15 crabapple trees
(malus dolgo),
it contains a rose
garden and a fountain of falling water, all designed
to provide "a sense of privacy," Mr. St. Louis says.
The $600,000 project includes installation of a
new sewer and water main as well as the $50,000
restoration of the library's Park Entrance. Clustered
around the buildings are lilacs
(syringa vulgaris)
red-flowered rose hedges (rasa
explorer John Cabot)
and spiraea
(S. vanhouttei),
a shrub that produces
small white flowers in May and June.
When landscaping began in September with an
armada of workers and machines, it signalled the
end of the renewal project. "We're nearly there,"
said Councillor John Bridgman at the September
council session. "It's been a long, arduous task."
Digging up
Library Drive.
from TPL
shows the
library at the
edge of the
parking lot