Insid e I li e Footprin t
Design an a debate
ooking north across th e gables of th e ol d
Findlay roofline from th e to p floor of th e
new Rose addition, on e ca n almost visualize
Mary Poppins soaring over th e tall brick chimney.
Glancing down, on e ca n se e th e glazed "spine"
that fits like a street between th e main Findlay
building of 1899 an d th e original children's pavilion
of 1911, linking both t o th e new building designed
for th e 21s t century. The view says i t all .
The new spine rises across
the west face of the north
reading room, leading like a
street past th e new courtyard
and into th e new building.
Inside th e spine
looking south.