Westmount Public Library
Central Heading Room
Tender s for the amende d plan were approve d by
the counci l on July 20, 1898 , in the amoun t of
$10,056 . The buildin g woul d eventuall y cost
$11,500 ; book s and fittings adde d anothe r $3,500 .
The final design had an area of 3,368 squar e feet
with capacit y for 3,000 books .
Constructio n of the librar y began in Octobe r
1898 and took eight months .
Among variou s purchase s recorde d in Counci l
minute s were : "carpets , seats , desks , light fixtures,
etc. require d for the Librar y and Readin g Room at
an estimate d cost of $1,553.50. " Leaded glass
window s were listed at $250 and anothe r $500 was
placed at the disposa l of the librar y committe e for
the purpos e of "interio r embellishment. " These were
authorize d June 4, 1899 , only 16 days before the
library was to open .
A contrac t for electri c lightin g went to the
Lachin e Rapid s Hydrauli c and Land Compan y for
"three quarter s of a cent per 16 c.p. (candl e power )
lamp hou r less 33
per cent and the usua l
discoun t of 5 per cent. "
The openin g of the new librar y on June 20,
1899, was a festive occasio n of flags, flowers ,
caterer s and an orchestra . The openin g addres s by
Mayor Walke r describe d the picturesqu e locatio n
surrounde d by trees and flower beds , an atmos -
phere the renewa l projec t in 1995 woul d try to
recaptur e throug h landscaping . The gues t speaker ,
libraria n William Fletche r of Amhers t College ,
Massachusetts , used the occasio n to explai n that an
agreemen t had been reache d in the librarian -
architec t controvers y over the Richardso n design .
James R.Walker